I simply must report this date I had last night. I have never had a cock this big in my life. A big fat 12″ meanie! An enormous penis! I have been dating Richard for three weeks now. There is nothing special about his build or looks in fact he is rather ordinary but very smart and creative. I met him at a night yoga class three months ago and we hit it off. last night we had drinks at a local Tex-Mex restaurant and then I invited him to my apartment. We sat and had a great conversation about yoga over a little nite cap. The conversation led to how great I looked in yoga pants. This led to that and we were on the couch making out.

Enormous Penis Report: Mistress Erin 1-800-601-6975

I felt this club on my leg, at least it felt like a club. My hand reached down and I took a grab of an enormous penis. Richard apologized. I asked for what? I am a size queen and I give the best cocksucking session in the world. Depending on the taste, I will eat cum if it is sweet enough. Richard is a vegan and his cum was as sweet as pineapple. I swallowed it all. He knows I am a Mistress and that behavior is uncommon.

He was still hard and I sat on his cock and rode him Mistress style. So big that he was the first man who caused me a little pain. Being on the bottom proved to me that he was open to be submissive. After I fucked his brains out, we began discussing the possibilities of him becoming my submissive sex slave. No sissy panties for this boy. He is not leaning in that direction, but definitely leaning in the black leather harness direction. To be continued most definitely!

Mistress Erin