Captivity Training And The Possibilities
Captivity training is mostly harsh and with strict rules. I appreciate that, and the fantasy itself is very intoxicating. A Mistress holding a key to a cell, rationing out unappetizing food, enforcing chastity, Mistress wearing sexy guard uniform regalia, and you in orange or stripes. How does this work in a phone fantasy as opposed to real-time captivity?
Strict Rules Of Enforcement
It can work, but there must be cooperation. The captivity slave must have strict rules and frequent check-ins. He must be accounted for at his work and at his home which will be his prison. If he works at home, it will be much easier. A room can be converted to a prison cell. Windows may be blocked out for solitary confinement, and he will shop at sites that provide supplies for this genre of domination. He will buy shackles and chains. If he has the means, an elaborate cell for his cellar, and timed locks.
Some Sexy Possibilities
I believe that captivity training can be enforced in a subtle way of tease with the sexiest of uniforms, ordering the slave to give foot massage with fetish in mind. Subtle forms of mind management, and demands upon the slave such as sleep deprivation (wake up calls at an odd time here and there), short-term food deprivation, and self-flagellation.
A Skype Account Or Daily Picture Check Ups
A Skype account is necessary to view the captivity slave. A complete view of the prison must be witnessed by Mistress. Chastity training as a form of captivity and control may be added in the negotiation. If Skype is not possible, a daily “photo shoot” or a daily video will work to keep the training on track. Call for your training soon!
Mistress Erin
My Skype: misserindelaney